Monday, July 28, 2008

JAXCAT takes over!!!

I think it would be useful to create a internet explorer/firefox/safari hack that displays a gadget of our catalog search whenever someone in Jacksonville goes to find a book, CD or DVD at or other online book stores. Possibly with the wording "Why buy it when you can check it out for free?"

We should put our best people on this!!!

Libary Thing

I actually created an account here a while ago.
My Account
It seems to give decent recommendations. The slowness of the site bothers me.

In the last year I sold 90% of my book collection to Chamblin Book Mine. I prefer using the public library as my personal book collection. It is so well organized and easily searchible. There aren't that many books I want to own anymore...Mostly pop-up books. Find copies of the Sabuda/Reinhart pop-ups if you have never seen them!
Encyclopedia Prehistorica

Andy Barbara Gubbin

So if Andy Warhol was doing our staff directory images, Barbara would look like this.

Courtesy of Magnigraph

Too much info!!!! (Rant)

I am as much an information junkie as the next Librarian, but/so I am already suffering from too much info coming in. I don't want to subscribe to multiple blogs. I don't need 20 different news sources streaming info to me. All this clutter in my brain is starting to drain out my ears. Ok not really, but there is a point of information intake where I have to say "Stop." This is one reason I don't have cable tv and don't like Headline news type 30 second news stories with a continuous ticker at the bottom of the screen.
This was my reaction to researching new news feeds...

Google RSS reader feeds my info-overload hunger!

Having a separate RSS reader isn't something I'm going to use on a daily basis when I already use the Google one.
I have iGoogle set as my homepage and my feeds come up under the search bar. There is a function for adding my own rss feeds and they have popular ones to add as well. Google did a great job of intergrating this in a format where I can check my email as well.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Crazy dance moves!!! Funny fake lyrics!!!

This is a video I discovered from a blog talking about tech/geek words added to the Webster's lexicon. Mondegreen is a word meaning misheard lyrics like "Scuse me while I kiss this guy" ala Hendrix. Buffalax is a youtube user who intentionally creates these. He took the following video:

And gave it funny funny subtitled lyrics:

And I think the whole thing is awesome!!!!!


I thought I liked the flickr mosaic site but the images were too pixelated for me.
Flickr letters are cool, though. Below I spelled monstabunny which is like a monster bunny but worse...

m Pewter Ransom Font O n S T A B Alphabet Block u P1060841 P1060841 Y

bunny peeps in peril #8

I don't feel bad for this bunny. Burning sugar this way is just a faster vesion of what would happen once this peep was eaten and broken down in someone's digestive system. I don't think a fiery death would be worse than being chewed up and dissolved in HCl...